Press Release

Shushufindi Refinery works normally and supplies fuels to its area of influence

Shushufindi Refinery works normally and supplies fuels to its area of influence

This Petroecuador release was published using machine translation.

Shushufindi Refinery, after 44 days of stoppage due to the stoppage of the Shushufindi - Quito Pipeline, resumed operations and fuel shipments are carried out to supply the area of influence. Likewise, the gas plant and collection stations work normally, as does the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) packaging plant.

This refining center currently processes 12,400 barrels of crude oil per day, which means that the plant operates at 62% of its capacity, because the current demand for derivatives has not been normalized and mobility restrictions still exist. For its part, the gas plant produces 230 metric tons of LPG per day.

Throughout the health emergency, biosecurity protocols were reinforced at the Shushufindi Industrial Complex (CIS), including for visitors and those who dispatch fuels. The shift change protocol was also strengthened and prior to each change of personnel, rapid tests were taken of the personnel who were on duty and who entered their workday. That is why, since the health emergency was declared, there have been no cases of COVID - 19.

The Shushufindi Refinery supplies gasoline and diesel to the provinces of Sucumbíos, Orellana and Napo, as well as LPG to the city of Quito and its area of influence.

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