
MOP to improve northern rainwater drainage infrastructure

Chile's public works ministry ( MOP) is studying drainage infrastructure on the road network in northern regions XV, I, II and III, a MOP official told BNamericas. Drainage has not been a priority when building highway and road networks in the north of Chile, given its desert and semi-arid climate. However, because of that, when it does rain there is usually damage to be repaired, an official from national emergency department Onemi told BNamericas. Changes in rain patterns over the last two decades, linked to climate change, will eventually make authorities and private sector representatives rethink road infrastructure development in Chile's Atacama desert, the official said. Ministry representatives and region I authorities are currently inspecting damage along the local road network caused by unusually heavy rains on July 21 and 22, the MOP official said. The rains also damaged highway Ruta 5 Norte, in region III, on the stretch connecting towns Chañaral and Caldera. MOP officials will begin repairs as soon as possible and works will be carried out by the ministry, local governments and the private sector, the official said. The decision to study drainage infrastructure is part of a policy to prevent damage. Prevention is always cheaper than carrying out repairs, the official added. The construction and maintenance of drainage networks is included in a number of highway concession contracts and the ministry will continue to use this model, MOP minister Sergio Bitar told BNamericas recently. At the same time, authorities are discussing a bill that gives water utilities the option of managing rainwater drainage networks as part of their concession.

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