
About 72% of public administration migrated to open-source software - official

Some 72% of all public administration agencies and entities in Venezuela have migrated to open-source software, state news agency AVN reported, citing José Sosa, the management, access and IT use director of the science, technology and industry ministry ( MCTI). According to the official, 28% use the Venezuelan system Canaima GNU/Linux. "Most public institutions are using open-source software; now we have to standardize and try all use the same software, Canaima, for the best definition of policies, training of human resources and technical support," Sosa said. Additionally, he highlighted that about 56% of public sector employees have been trained in using open-source technologies. In the country, educational institution Academia de Software Libre is in charge of training workers and public sector employees in using open-source software, particularly Canaima GNU/Linux. There are 19 other educational institutions in the country providing open-source software training.

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