Dominican Republic

DomRep’s EGE Haina advancing solar, wind project portfolio

DomRep’s EGE Haina advancing solar, wind project portfolio

Having just launched official operations of the Dominican Republic’s largest solar park, the 120MW Girasol plant (pictured), EGE Haina is pressing on with the expansion of its capacity from non-conventional renewable energies.

The power producer received a boost after securing four provisional concessions from the national energy commission (CNE).

One concession is for the 68.4MWn (80MWp) Sajoma solar project and the other three are for wind projects Sajoma I (50MW), Sajoma II (50MW) and Esperanza (50MW). 

The Sajoma projects are planned for Santiago province, and Esperanza in Valverde province.

EGE Haina now has 18 months to conduct further studies in the lead-up to the definitive concessions. The projects would benefit from the country’s renewable energy incentives law. 

The company is one of the Caribbean country’s principal electricity producers with capacity of 1,091MW, of which 183MW is wind and 121.5MW solar.

EGE Haina’s development pipeline includes the 60MWp phase two of the Girasaol solar park and the 70MWp Tornasol solar project.

Also read EGE Haina and Grupo Popular announce the first issuance of green securities in the country and EGE Haina will continue to invest in renewable energy and natural gas

Source: EGE Haina


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