
Cuba opens first laptop, tablet factory

Cuba opens first laptop, tablet factory

Cuba inaugurated its first laptop and tablet factory, which will use Chinese technology and parts to produce close to 500 units per day.

The facility will manufacture sixth generation laptop computers as well as 8in and 10in tablets. The latter model will have a keyboard and up to 1TB in capacity, reported local media.

State-run ICT company Gedeme (which belongs to the ministry of industries) and the university of computer sciences (UCI) have been the most active entities in pushing the project.

The UCI will provide the devices' operating systems while Chinese electronics company Haier will supply the technology and equipment used in the factory, as well as the raw materials and productive processes needed to manufacture the devices.

Initially, the produced equipment will be destined for the wholesale market and government entities.

The opening of the factory comes at a key moment as Cuba has lately placed a strong focus on the Caribbean country's ICT development. State-run telco Etecsa has taken several initiatives to increase connectivity on the island, such as reducing the cost of internet navigation plans and signing an agreement with Google to improve internet access.

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