Press Release

MINEM facilitates access to LPG, electricity and natural gas for homes and vehicles for the benefit of millions of Peruvians

MINEM facilitates access to LPG, electricity and natural gas for homes and vehicles for the benefit of millions of Peruvians

This Minem release was published using machine translation.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) announced that, for this year, it will implement improvements to the Social Energy Inclusion Fund (FISE) and its social-energy programs so that more Peruvians have electricity, natural gas and bottled LPG at a lower cost. , which will contribute to generating savings in the basic family basket and the economic reactivation of the population.

MINEM, through FISE, implements the BonoGas program, which finances home natural gas connections, allowing to date more than 1 million homes, businesses and social support institutions to have energy at a lower cost, with savings monthly payment of 50% at home compared to what you would spend on LPG and/or electricity.

In Lima, Callao, Ica, Ancash, Cajamarca, La Libertad and Lambayeque there are more than 1.12 million natural gas connections, and with the transfer of S/ 491 million from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to FISE, it could be to have 100,000 additional beneficiaries and more than 1,000 kilometers of new networks by 2023.

Likewise, the use of Vehicular Natural Gas (GNV) in the vehicle fleet is only 7%, for which MINEM implements the GNV Savings program that finances the vehicular conversion to natural gas so that more light vehicles stop using gasoline and LPG , which will provide savings of more than 70% compared to fuel costs.

To date, there are more than 32 thousand vehicles benefited from the program in the regions of Lima, Callao, Junín, Ica, Cusco, Piura, La Libertad, Áncash and Lambayeque; however, MINEM is projecting its implementation to other regions of the country to the extent that these have natural gas service stations.

On the other hand, the LPG Discount Voucher program serves 940,978 families, offering them a discount of S/ 25 on the purchase of a domestic gas bottle, generating significant savings and promoting the use of LPG in vulnerable families so that they stop using use firewood, coal or other polluting fuels that endanger your health.

This program is aimed at homes, soup kitchens, community kitchens and public educational institutions, with 78% of its beneficiaries being families in poverty and vulnerability, located in areas without access to natural gas.

Through FISE, MINEM finances electricity rates in residences located in rural areas and has installed 208,145 solar panels in homes in the most remote population centers in the country. And in rural areas, through the Electricity to Touch program, it assumes 100% of the cost of connection and home connection, allowing 15,104 homes to have electricity.

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