
Petroecuador planning LPG infra overhaul

Petroecuador planning LPG infra overhaul

Pre-investment studies are due to begin this year for a project to revamp and expand Ecuador's national oil company Petroecuador’s LPG storage and dispatch capacity.

The planned work targets the Esmeraldas depot which began operations in 2009 and boasts LPG operation capacity of 4,329t. The NOC’s total operation capacity for the fuel is estimated at around 37,000t.

The studies will cover prefeasibility, conceptual engineering, feasibility, and basic and detailed engineering.

Under a procurement process for shortlisted firms, Petroecuador has invited Engineering Cia. LTD, Geovial and Triconsul to submit offers by April 24 for the 150-day consultancy contract.

Overhead view of Esmeraldas LPG depot (Source: Petroecuador)

In a related development, the state operator said that preliminary work has begun to transfer two 3,200t LPG spheres (pictured) to the El Chorrillo terminal from the Cuenca terminal due to structural problems.

Last year, LPG was the fuel with the second-highest dispatch after premium diesel, Petroecuador data shows. The dispatch of LPG in 2022 rose 3.55% to 15.4Mb (million barrels), of which 13.8Mb had to be imported.

Source: Petroecuador


Meanwhile, Petroecuador and Summaservices have signed the final reception of a study into the potential sale of the NOC’s 45 service stations, procurement information shows.

BNamericas previously reported that Summaservices was awarded a contract to provide a valuation of the business of the stations and that of the infrastructure, as well as determining the methodology for the sale. 

According to local press, however, the process has come under scrutiny due to alleged irregularities, a situation further complicated by calls to impeach President Guillermo Lasso.

Critics also argue that Petroecuador should not offload what they consider as “strategic” to the country.

The study has not been disclosed.

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