
Proaver bidding rules available June 30

Bidding rules will be available online June 30 for a US$2mn consulting service to reform the water supply sector and establish a state regulatory agency for eastern Mexico's Veracruz state, headed up by the state's water projects unit (Proaver), Proaver general coordinator Roberto Badillo Ramos confirmed to BNamericas. Half the project funding will come from state funds and the remainder from the Inter-American Development Bank, BNamericas previously reported. Consulting from four separate firms will be required for some eight months and expressions of interest are due July 17. A winner may be announced a month later, Proaver previously confirmed, without specifying a project-launch date. Bidding rules will cost US$500 and be available online, More information is available by phone (228) 818-2999 or email, Veracruz has some 7.1 million residents, of which 72% have drinking water coverage and 68% have sewerage coverage. The state estimates that only 10.5% of wastewater is treated to acceptable standards.

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