
Chile watch: Pilmaiquén, Nehuenco II, Punta Alcalde

The board of Chilean hydro generator Pilmaiquén has voted to reject a takeover bid by a foreign company, according to a filing with local securities and insurance regulator SVS. The board deemed that local law would be breached if the terms of the bid were to be accepted. The name of the company interested in the takeover was not revealed. *** Generator Colbún took its 398MW Nehuenco II thermo in Chile's region V offline last week due to a malfunction, according to a letter chairman Bernardo Larraín sent to shareholders. Larraín said that preliminary reports indicate the plant will be offline for several months. The plant is part of a three-unit 874MW complex that injects power into Chile's central SIC grid. *** And the hearing of four injunctions against Endesa Chile's 740MW Punta Alcalde coal-fired plant in northern region III was once again postponed, according to a source inside the judiciary. The hearing will now take place next week, according to the source.

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