Press Release

Conagua maintains its commitment to ensure integrated and sustainable water management in San Luis Potosí


Statement from the National Water Commission (Conagua)

This is an automated translation of the press release issued in Spanish

In San Luis Potosí, the National Water Commission (Conagua) has maintained its commitment to bring more and better drinking water services to Potosinos, redoubling efforts in actions for more efficient water administration and seeking transparency, honesty and zero corruption in each of its processes.

Likewise, hard work is being done to improve its reaction capacity in terms of safety and prevention in the face of hydrometeorological phenomena that could affect the state, highlighted the local director, Joel Félix Díaz.

He expressed that, during 2022, the Conagua carried out various works and actions in water matters in a large part of the state. On the subject of drinking water, drainage and sanitation, the sanitary drainage of the town of Escalerillas was expanded and adapted with collectors, sub-collectors and sewers, through an investment of just over 40 million pesos (MDP), benefiting 5 thousand 299 inhabitants.

Likewise, the adaptation and expansion of the sanitation system of the Escalerillas Wastewater Treatment Plant was carried out.

Regarding water administration, attention was provided to 2,122 users, 476 paperwork files were entered and integrated to request a wastewater discharge permit, as well as concessions for the occupation of federal zones, notification of 782 was made. official documents and 91% of the procedures entered during 2022 were attended to.

In terms of inspection, measurement, and administrative processes, 106 inspection visits were made to national water users, of which 6 were closed for reasons such as not having a concession title for the use of surface water, not having a drilling permit, and Not having a federal zone occupation permit with a construction.

Regarding the hydro-agricultural sector, a little more than 70 thousand hectares were cultivated, with a volume of 207 thousand 221 million cubic meters of water, and 2.4 million pesos were allocated to the usual conservation of civil and electromechanical works of the El Porvenir pumping plants. and pumping Tulillo-Chapacao of Irrigation District 092, Pánuco River, Pujal-Coy Unit 1.

Regarding the Rehabilitation and Technification of Irrigation Districts in the constituency of Irrigation Districts 092 Rio Panuco, Unidad Pujal Coy 1 and 049 Rio Verde, 20 work actions and 2 supervision actions were carried out, with 18.6 million pesos, to benefit 634 hectares.

In irrigation units, 15 million pesos were invested in equipment actions, replacements and rehabilitation of agricultural wells, benefiting 644 hectares.

There was also a federal investment of 1.7 million pesos for technical advice and training actions to strengthen 4 associations of technical irrigation and rainfed units.

Finally, he highlighted the importance of coordinated work in each of the areas that make up Conagua, with the sole objective of ensuring water resources for families in San Luis Potosí.

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