Press Release

Huawei opens Brazil's first smart manufacturing factory connected to 5G network


Press Release

by Huawei

São Paulo, March 30, 2022. This Wednesday, March 30, Huawei, a world leader in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), opens in Jundiaí (in the interior of SP), the Huawei Local EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Service) Factory , the first smart manufacturing plant in Brazil that uses 5G in its applications in the production process. The space was equipped with artificial intelligence, cloud and IoT (internet of things) technologies, which made production more efficient and increased productivity.

Fourteen 5G antennas were installed to connect an area of 30,000 m², where electronic equipment such as base radios, processor boards, controller boards, among other items are produced. The entire production line is connected to the network and works with applications based on 5G technology, such as cameras with embedded artificial intelligence and augmented reality glasses.

Among the main innovations of Huawei Local EMS Factory that contributed to the increase of productivity in the factory thanks to the fifth generation of mobile network, the only one that supports connection between machines, are the cameras with artificial intelligence used to monitor production and guarantee the safety of employees and the work environment. They detect, for example, errors on the assembly line and the presence of unauthorized persons, or those without adequate PPE (protective equipment). All production data is collected and analyzed in the cloud, which reduces the time for quality reviews and increases the efficiency and reliability of product testing.

The use of augmented reality is another technological advantage used in the new structure of Huawei Local EMS Factory. Augmented reality glasses are used by the teams to maintain the machines. They make it possible to make a complete checklist of the equipment and send the information in real time to the operations center.

“This is an innovative project. The implementation of the network was completed in November 2021. We have already gone through more than three months of tests and we were able to prove the increase in productivity, speed and efficiency”, explains Tiago Fontes, director of Ecosystem and Marketing at Huawei.

The implementation of the 5G network also generated space savings. “We removed the physical cabling structures that were needed to generate on-site connectivity,” explained Fontes. According to the executive, this operating model should serve as an example for other factories in Brazil and help drive industry 4.0.

The inauguration of the Huawei Local EMS factory takes place this Wednesday, 30.

smart warehouse

Huawei also has a 22,000 m² distribution and logistics center located in Sorocaba (interior of SP), which received coverage of a private 5G network in August 2022, obtained after authorization from the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel). There are 12 antennas, capable of connecting up to 300 smart devices, such as self-guided autonomous vehicles, autonomous forklifts, artificial intelligence cameras and radio frequency devices. Since then, tasks such as transporting raw materials and equipment have been performed by autonomous robots, which has resulted in a 25% gain in operational efficiency and a reduction in the production cycle from 17 to 7 hours.

About Huawei

Huawei is a global leader in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions and one of the 100 most valuable brands in the world according to Forbes. The company has a vision to enrich people's lives through communication and is dedicated to customer-centric innovation. With strong partnerships with the local industry, it is committed to creating value for telecom operators, companies and consumers, offering high quality and innovative products and solutions, and with digital transformation, offering cloud solutions and Huawei Cloud servers, in more than 170 countries and territories. With more than 190,000 employees worldwide, the company serves more than a third of the world's population. Huawei also believes that digitalization is the way to a more sustainable world and a zero carbon economy based on renewable energy sources. Through its subsidiary Huawei Digital Power, the company develops smart devices aimed at generating, distributing and storing photovoltaic energy, increasing energy efficiency in data centers, power plants and telecommunication infrastructure. For 24 years in Brazil, it has been a leader in the national fixed and mobile broadband market through partnerships established with the main telecommunications operators and has offices in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Curitiba and Recife, in addition to a distribution center in Sorocaba (SP) and a Training Center in São Paulo.

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