Press Release

Petrodelta advances in connection of wells to the National Electric System

Petrodelta advances in connection of wells to the National Electric System

Morichal, October 23, 2019.- Committed to the country, the team of professionals of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA PDVSA, of the Petrodelta Joint Venture, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation, completed the connection to the National Electric System of the wells of the B7- A and B7- B tillers of the El Salto field, located in the Hugo Chávez Orinoco Oil Belt, in Monagas state.

This action is part of an ambitious plan that also includes the connection to platforms B5-South, B5-East and B5-Center, in order to ensure the continuity of well production and avoid interruptions due to system failures. of alternative power generation.

José Guerra, president of the Petrodelta Mixed Company, acknowledged the high degree of commitment of all the personnel that participated in this first phase of the connection, and assured that, “with the same impetus, and the decision to boost our oil industry will achieve everything what was planned on the B5-Sur, B5-Este and B5-Centro platforms ”.

“We have finished 98% in both tillers, which have gradually connected the wells and where it is expected to eliminate the generators. In the B7.B tiller, production is expected to increase by 2200 to 2400 barrels, ”Guerra said.

Likewise, Alejandro Castañeda, Operational Maintenance Manager, led the team of more than 30 workers dedicated to the project, “we had been operating since the opening of the generator platform, and now the electrical service was established. I was very pleased to see in my colleagues the mood, dedication, attitudes and skills that show that we can. ”

The coordinated interconnection plan translates into significant savings in the supply of diesel, (approximately 74 thousand liters per week); by also eliminating the cost of leasing the electric generator, with the total connection of 15 wells whose associated production is approximately 10 thousand barrels, which helps to stabilize production and continue leveraging the progressive recovery of the oil industry.

Petrodelta is one of the Mixed Companies attached to the Carabobo Division of the Hugo Chávez Orinoco Oil Belt, with 1000 km2 distributed in six producing fields: El Salto, Temblador, Uracoa, Isleño and Bombal, in Monagas state; and Tucupita field in Delta Amacuro. It has proven reserves of more than 1373 MMBN of crude oil and 1112 MMPCN of gas, capacities that position it as one of the flagship projects in the east of the country.

This PDVSA release was published using machine translation.

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