
São Paulo state starts new phase of light rail coastal link

São Paulo state starts new phase of light rail coastal link

São Paulo state published the tender notice for recovery and reinforcement of the 650m A Tribuna bridge connecting its island area and São Vicente as part of phase three of a 505mn-real (US$97mn) light rail transit (LRT) system between Santos and São Vicente.

"The renovation marks the beginning of the implementation of phase three of the Baixada Santista LRT, connecting the Barreiros Terminal to Samaritá. The branch line will benefit around 150,000 people who live in 10 neighborhoods in the continental area and depend on public transport to travel to Santos, the municipality where most of the economic activities in Baixada Santista are located," according to a press release.

A public session for the presentation of proposals is scheduled for March 14 and work should be finished within 24 months after starting the order.

After the bridge, a link between Barreiros terminal and Samaritá is planned.

The LRT is already operating on 11.5km between Barreiros station and Port station, while the 8km second section between Conselheiro Nébias and Valongo is under construction and the 7.5km stretch between Barreiros and Samaritá in the project phase.

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