
SCT seeks interest in Tampico-Tuxpan highway project


Mexico's transport and communications ministry, SCT, is seeking private-sector interest for the development of the Tuxpan-Tampico highway project, according to a notice in the national gazette.

The SCT has called for companies to submit proposals for development of the project, in accordance with the national public-private partnership law that allows for unsolicited project proposals.

Under the terms of the law, a company may develop a project by carrying out initial studies (at their own expense) to determine its feasibility, after which the project may be tendered.

If the project is later tendered, the winning bidder will be required to reimburse the cost of the initial studies, in the event that the initial studies are carried out by a different company.

This is the first time the unsolicited proposal provision has been used in Mexico.

Interested companies should submit their proposals by January 15, 2014.

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  • Company: Energía NN Consultores  (Ennergia Consultores)
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