
Bolivia mining watch

Bolivia mining watch

A refinery for zinc oxide and other strategic metals planned for Bolivia's Oruro department will demand US$350mn.

The plant is included in the 2021-25 economic and social development plan. Construction is planned to be completed in 2024.

The refinery is expected to also recover by-products such as cadmium, germanium, gallium, indium and sulfuric acid, which are in great demand internationally, mining and metallurgy minister Ramiro Villavicencio Niño de Guzmán said, according to a press release.

It will process concentrates mainly from the Bolívar and Colquiri mines.

Zinc was the second most exported metal in 2021 after gold, according to the mining and metallurgy ministry.


State miner Comibol drilled 5,500m across 33 holes in the Negrillos and Pacukollo prospecting and exploration projects in Oruro department.

Comibol expects to find world-class scattered silver, lead, zinc and copper deposits.


Minerals exports during the first half amounted to US$3bn, compared to US$2.55bn in 1H21.

Exports go mainly to India, Japan, China, the US, Australia and Canada.

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