El Salvador

Distributors award 341MW in short-term supply call

El Salvadorian distributors have awarded 341MW in short-term supply contracts due to start July 1 this year, local press reported. Distributor Caess announced the call to supply up to 454MW in November on behalf of fellow distributors Delsur, Clesa, EEO, Deusem, B&D and Edesal, BNamericas reported at the time. Of the 341MW, 91.4MW under two-year contracts were awarded to thermo generators Borealis (12MW), Inversiones Energéticas (INE) (63MW), Gecsa (10.3MW) and Hilcasa (6.1MW). Offers ranged between US$164.94 and US$167/MW. Another 251MW under three-year contracts were awarded to INE (17MW thermo US$156/MW), CEL (220MW hydro US$71/MW) and LaGeo (13MW geothermal US$80/MW). A process to supply 350MW for 15 years starting July 1, 2015 is underway.

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