Press Release

Minem transfers more than S / 180 million to remedy sites impacted by hydrocarbon activity

Minem transfers more than S / 180 million to remedy sites impacted by hydrocarbon activity

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), through Ministerial Resolution No. 415-2019, authorized the transfer of S / 183.4 million in favor of the National Environment Fund (Fonam) to finance the execution of remediation works of sites impacted by activities of hydrocarbons

The transfer will be paid by the budget approved in the current fiscal year corresponding to Sheet No. 016: Ministry of Energy and Mines.

On December 13, the Financial Resources Transfer Agreement between Minem and Fonam was signed, which allowed establishing the conditions to make possible the transfer of resources destined to the remediation of sites impacted by the oil and gas industry.

Previously, with Ministerial Resolution No. 376-2019-MINEM / DM, the prioritized relationship of sites impacted by hydrocarbon activities in the Corrientes, Pastaza and Tigre river basins was approved.

The resolution is signed by the owner of the Minem, Juan Carlos Liu.

This Minem release was published using machine translation.

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