
Scorpex in talks for US$288mn waste disposal contract

Waste disposal and recycling company Scorpex is negotiating a US$288mn waste disposal contract with Mexican waste transportation company AISA. "We plan to contract with several other transportation companies in the coming months as they see the savings our facilities provide with our local presence in the region," Scorpex CEO Joseph Caywood said in a statement. AISA, based in Tijuana, has agreed to provide 800t of waste to Scorpex for disposal services estimated at US$288mn/y at approximate price of US$1200/t. Scorpex plans to open a waste disposal and recycling plant capable of storing and receiving domestic, industrial, toxic and hazardous waste from Baja California state. Operations are expected to commence in 3Q12 and reach full capacity by 2013, the company said.

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  • Company: Nalco Water México
  • The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by the BNamericas’ researchers. However, it may have been...