
Colombia nears deadline to submit water project

Colombia nears deadline to submit water project

Colombia's municipalities and the managers of departmental water plans (PDA) have until July 15 to present water and sanitation projects that require resources from the national budget, according to national deputy minister of water and basic sanitation Jorge Carrillo.

Carrillo said that these projects must be presented to the country's potable water and basic sanitation investment system (SINAS), the housing ministry said in a press release. SINAS was created under a 2012 law, although this is the first year that it has been fully applied.

The vice minister stated that the project report to be issued by SINAS on July 15 "is a requirement set out under the law, which establishes the need to have with a project portfolio for investment initiatives in order to make water and sanitation projects viable."

Carrillo added that this report will be vital to structure the allocations for water in next year's budget and to monitor the investments in the sector. SINAS also monitors the water infrastructure of the country and, according to the housing ministry, will allow visualization of the investments needed in the water sector in the medium term.

Following the initial project report, SINAS will also issue an inventory for rural water infrastructure before the end of the year.

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