Company Profile

ABB Perú S.A. (ABB Perú)

Get all the information about ABB Perú S.A. (ABB Perú), a company operating mainly in the Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Peru, which include DocumentingIP TelephonyMPLSIPTVTransmission LinesSecondary DistributionBackboneFixed telephonyDTH /  SatelliteInternetAppsMobile infraFiberBack upDirect4G LTEBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)Housing & Providers5gRural Electrification systemsNetworksDistributionMobileSelling & distributionCall CenterCloud servicesSystems engineeringServices Pay TVSaaS, PaaS, IaaSCorporate ServicesLocal telephonyTrainingMobile broadbandData centersPrivate LinksNetwork UpgradesPublic telephonyManaged ServicesSatellite broadbandLTE-MPrimary DistributionIntegration platformsTransmissionLong distanceSubstationsWi-FiFixedSmart GridsConverged servicesFixed broadbandTower, Duct3GIndustrial Equipment SupplierTestingCable TVCable, copper, other infraStructured cablingInfraSatelliteMicrowaveConsultancySmall cellsIndirectWi-Fi/WiMaxRadial  and OTT. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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