Company Profile

Techint Engineering & Construction S.A. (Techint E&C)

Get all the information about Techint Engineering & Construction S.A. (Techint E&C), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil, which include TunnelDrilling rigsMini HydroOnshore WindBunker oil/Diesel oilUnconventionalsPaving WorksPhotovoltaicBridgeBiomassWindOnshoreFuel SalesGeothermalType of hydrocarbonsThermoAccess roadsTypes of miningRefineriesEPC Contractor CompanyCombined cycleDeepwaterProjects developmentOil & GasNatural Gas GenerationThermosolar CSPUnderground miningDownstreamSubseaNuclearOffshoreGreen HydrogenMidstreamHeavy oilNatural Gas DistributionMexican MixHydroHydro DamTidal/Wave energyBiofuelsOil PipelinesTankersStorage TerminalsNatural GasWidening WorksRoadsTight gasRegasificationOpen pit miningGas pipelinesGeological mapping / SurveysSolarNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeFossil fuelsLNGShallow watersGenerationBrentUpstreamCoal GenerationFuel oilsCorridorsProspecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesWTIDamsRun of the riverCoalbed methaneType of extractionShale OilGas ProcessingOffshore WindHighways - RoadsShale gas ConventionalsBeltwaysWater levelsOil sandsBypassesMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products LocationRenewableLiquefactionProduction FacilitiesCement plant and Crude oil. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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