Company Profile

Grupo Queiroz Galvão S.A. (Queiroz Galvão)

Get all the information about Grupo Queiroz Galvão S.A. (Queiroz Galvão), a company operating mainly in the Infrastructure sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Brazil, which include DocumentingWater levelsRail lineIPTVPrivate LinksSubseaLocal telephonyGlaciersWater utilitiesHousing & ProvidersRail TransportSurface waterTunnelTrainingOnshoreSewer networks5gTight gasWater chemicalsBack upMobile broadbandTransportPotable waterCorridorsIron oreCloud servicesBus rapid transit (BRT) systemWastewater treatment plantsType of hydrocarbonsShale OilFixed broadbandWater transferBilling systemPotable water treatment plantsShale gas Oil sandsIndustrial wastewaterCorporate ServicesSaaS, PaaS, IaaSPay TVGeological mapping / SurveysHydroFreight railwayGroundwaterNatural GasEngineering Contractor CompanyWastewaters reuseConstruction Contractor CompanyMPLSCable TVRolling stockDrilling rigsAppsIP TelephonyHydro DamWastewaterWTIMonorailOTTHigh speed trainStationsLocationInternetDirectPaving WorksStructured cablingCall CenterData centersCrude oilMobileWater reservoirLong distanceFinancingSteelBeltwaysNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeCoalbed methaneLight rail / Interurban trainHazardous wastewaterProductivity / EfficiencyAccess roadsHighways - RoadsDeepwaterConverged servicesBrentPotable water systemIndirectSatellite broadbandManaged ServicesWi-FiConsultancyMetroSystems engineeringBypassesTestingHeavy oilDrainageServices RoadsRun of the riverSelling & distributionMultimodalPassenger transportBonds and SharesDistribution networkBridgeCable car systemsMini HydroRatingsMexican MixIntegration platformsBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO)UpstreamTariffsShallow watersWater metersOffshorePublic telephonyFixed telephonyDTH /  Satellite and Widening Works. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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