United States
Company Profile

S&P Global Inc. (S&P Global (S&P))

Get all the information about S&P Global Inc. (S&P Global (S&P)), a company operating mainly in the Electric Power and Banking sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in United States, which include Water reservoirBonds and SharesOnshore WindPhotovoltaicBiomassWindFuel SalesGeothermalType of hydrocarbonsDeepwaterOil & GasReserves & StocksWastewater treatment plantsWastewaterWater & WasteMarket Prices and ForecastsOffshoreTariffsIndustrial wasteGreen HydrogenMidstreamPrimary DistributionFlood controlRemediationNatural Gas DistributionTransmission LinesPrivate equity and venture capitalConsumptionHydroEconomicsAgriculture & Industrial WaterHydro DamTransmissionDistribution networkGroundwaterIndustrial wastewaterTidal/Wave energyOil PipelinesProductionStorage TerminalsNatural GasTight gasWastewaters reuseGeological mapping / SurveysSolarIndustrial ServicesWater transferHazardous wastewaterFuel oilsDamsCostsType of extractionShale OilGas ProcessingWasteShale gas Water levelsOil sandsPotable water treatment plantsLPGWaste treatment plantsLocationLiquefactionHazardous wasteDrilling rigsSurface waterSewer networksMini HydroBunker oil/Diesel oilUnconventionalsDistributionOnshoreThermoRefineriesCombined cycleNatural Gas GenerationThermosolar CSPSmart GridsTraffic / CargoDownstreamSubseaNetwork UpgradesNuclearStatisticsWater pipelinesWater utilitiesDrainageSubstationsHeavy oilMexican MixPotable water systemGlaciersDesalination plantBiofuelsTankersRegasificationGas pipelinesPotable waterNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeWater shortagesFossil fuelsLNGShallow watersIrrigation systemGenerationBrentUpstreamStudiesWaste managementCoal GenerationWTIRun of the riverRadial Water metersIndustrial water efficiencyCoalbed methaneRatings AgencyRural Electrification systemsSecondary DistributionOffshore WindConventionalsScrap & RecyclingLandfillsMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products Water chemicalsRenewableCommoditiesProduction Facilities and Crude oil. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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