Company Profile

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui & Co.)

Get all the information about Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui & Co.), a company operating mainly in the Mining & Metals sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Japan, which include Prospecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resourcesAirport hubRare earth elements (REE)Shallow watersMidstreamCable car systemsGas ProcessingTypes of miningPlatinumTight gasStorage TerminalsWidening WorksFluvialOpen pit miningType of hydrocarbonsFertilizerDeepwaterOil & GasBorder complexLubricantsRail TransportMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products BiofuelsTransportHighways - RoadsLithiumLiquefactionPlastics & ResinsPortShipping companiesPaving WorksUraniumOther Precious metalsCrude oilProduction FacilitiesGreen HydrogenSteelRefineriesMonorailVanadiumPort HubRaw materials & FeedstocksDeepwater portRail lineManganeseIron oreCoalbed methaneCobaltRolling stockCoolantsDrilling rigsTinCanalNatural GasBilling systemNiobiumUnderground miningLeadGoldBauxiteBulk commodity terminalsPort efficiencyNatural Gas DistributionOil sandsBeltwaysBrentNYMEX Light Sweet CrudeMolybdenumAirport road accessShale gas Geological mapping / SurveysPassenger terminalPassenger terminalsAccess roadsType of extractionZincShale OilMultimodalAntimonyAirportCargo terminalPalladiumRegasificationUnconventionalsInland PortLocationSolventsExplosivesRunwayMultimodalTankersScrap & RecyclingOther base metalsWaterwaysConventionalsCopperFreight railwayBus rapid transit (BRT) systemStationsHigh speed trainContainer terminalsAdhesives & SealantsSilverCement plantBypassesSchoolsMetroIndustrial Materials SupplierDredgingSubseaBioplasticFuel SalesDownstreamHospitalWTIOffshoreLight rail / Interurban trainCranesLNGCorridorsTitaniumNickelUpstreamGas pipelinesMexican MixDetention centerIllegal miningOnshoreGases & industrial gasesOil terminalsOil PipelinesPaints & InksPassenger transportTunnelPort authoritiesDry portsHeavy oilPost-Panamax and Textiles & Fibers. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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