Company Profile

Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente de la República de Chile (SMA Chile)

Get all the information about Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente de la República de Chile (SMA Chile), a company operating mainly in the Water & WasteMining & Metals and Electric Power sector. Connect with its key contacts, projects, shareholders, related news and more. The company has operations in Chile, which include Oil terminalsCorridorsFossil fuelsWater levelsTransportRail lineRail TransportFederal GovernmentNuclearWater metersRefineriesFuel oilsRun of the riverWasteShipping companiesWaste managementHazardous wasteSurface waterPortTidal/Wave energyBridgePotable waterSewer networksRaw materials & FeedstocksRenewableOffshore WindMultimodalWater chemicalsProduction FacilitiesDredgingMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products Bus rapid transit (BRT) systemHighways - RoadsSocial InfrastructureWaterwaysWater transferCoal GenerationRunwayBorder complexBilling systemAirportNatural Gas GenerationWater reservoirHydroPort efficiencyGenerationTransmissionProductionCanalBiomassBunker oil/Diesel oilGlaciersWastewaterBulk commodity terminalsDeepwater portGroundwaterIndustrial wastewaterThermosolar CSPWastewater treatment plantsDamsFinesStationsTransmission LinesMulti-purpose portsIndustrial wasteWastewaters reuseGas pipelinesRolling stockMonorailSports centersPort HubGovernment programCranesMultimodalPaving WorksLight rail / Interurban trainPorts & ShippingHazardous wastewaterCargo terminalFreight railwayWaste treatment plantsBeltwaysRoadsSchoolsHigh speed trainPotable water treatment plantsContainer terminalsLandfillsLegislation & RegulationMetroRemediationGeothermalPassenger terminalBypassesWindInland PortCombined cycleDetention centerPhotovoltaicSolarThermoAccess roadsFluvialDrainageCable car systemsDistribution networkAirport road accessWidening WorksHospitalDry portsTunnelAirport hubPassenger terminalsPost-PanamaxWater utilitiesHydro DamOnshore WindMini HydroPotable water systemPort authorities and Passenger transport. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

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